Become a Bras Off Contributor
We are looking for contributors who love sharing their perspective through short video! Our Bras Off: Real Conversations is an IGTV series that takes place on our Instagram. Here, we ask you a question and you respond in a 1-3 minute video. We have a few requirements for those who are selected to share a response:
- Video must be recorded vertically
- Video must be filmed in good lighting (We recommend using a light ring or position yourself facing a window)
- Ensure audio is clear and of good quality (Avoid recording in an open space and free from external noise. Use a mic when possible.)
- Please include a 2 sentence written bio of yourself upon submission
- Video will be a minimum of 1 minute and a maximum length of 3 minutes.
- Please include a brief introduction of yourself at the start of your video, and relay the question you were assigned.
In keeping with our transparency, we do want to inform you that any video that is submitted will be vetted before posting. If the video does not meet the required conditions listed above or is offensive, explicit in any way your video will not be posted.
Submit Your Video.
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to us at support at modernmatchlingerie dot com
Thank you for your interest in wanting to become a contributor for Modern Match Lingerie.
About us: Modern Match Lingerie is an online lingerie brand seeking to educate and empower women, while creating a community of strong women. The more women we can empower, the more of a ripple effect we can create–the ripple effect being more empowered women and daughters. Check us out at
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