Define Empowerment

Woman smiling and crafting in bed wearing the Wire-Free Lace Bra by Modern Match Lingerie

What does empowerment mean to you? Define empowerment in the comments of this post

You might remember seeing a model call earlier this year on our social media. We received SO many model applications from amazing women! We knew narrowing it down was going to be tricky!

We are truly so grateful to each and every woman that applied to represent our empowering brand of lingerie. Out of the large selection of applications we had to narrow it down to 7 models–NOT EASY! After lots of thought we finally managed to choose our top pics!

Bailee Denicola of Prince George, BC, was one of those models. We had the chance to interview Bailee and ask her about her experience modeling for Modern Match, about the empowering women in her life, and even asked her to define empowerment for us!

Let's dive in!

Modern Match: Hey Bailee! Thanks so much for agreeing to be interviewed! We are really excited to ask you about your experience modeling for us! First things first, tell us a little bit about you!

Bailee: I’m so excited to be chatting with you! I work in communications in health care and love living in Northern BC! My husband and I built a house here, doing most of the work ourselves, and it’s one of my proudest accomplishments! We love to spend time outdoors, with family and friends, and hanging out with our dogs. We’re also excited to have a little one on the way for the new year!

MM: Awe, love that! I bet building your own house feels amazing! Define empowerment for us, Bailee. What does it mean to you?

Bailee: Empowerment to me means having the confidence and support to do anything you want in life. Being empowered gives you the power to accomplish goals and tasks you may have thought you could never achieve!

MM: Heck yeah! Love that answer! What made you want to apply to be a model for Modern Match Lingerie?

Bailee: I saw the model call on Emily Jane Photography’s Instagram, and it sounded like an interesting opportunity! I sent the post to my mom and my sister and all three of us decided to apply! Growing up, I felt like I didn’t see my body type represented when I was shopping. I remember looking at Victoria Secret models, wishing to look like them, but not feeling like it could actually be achieved. I love what Modern Match Lingerie stands for as a company, and how they want to show real women in their products. I thought that by being a model, I could maybe help someone else see themselves represented online and help them to feel more confident in purchasing this lingerie. Never did I think I would actually be chosen to be a model, but I was so excited when I was!

MM: We are so glad you did it, you did an awesome job! Did you have any worries, or nerves before heading into the shoot, what were they and why?

Bailee: My biggest hesitation before the shoot was if I could model lingerie and still be seen as a professional. I had concerns that there was a potential this could impact my career or potentially what my coworkers thought of me if they saw the images. But I reflected on it and realized that it shouldn’t matter. This was something I wanted to do and I shouldn’t let those fears stop me.

MM: Totally, that is such a relatable thought to have. I feel like a lot of people have that immediate thought when it comes to modeling lingerie, and I love that you’re taking a stand and proving that you can be a professional and model lingerie. Have you ever modeled lingerie before?

How would you describe your experience with Modern Match?

Bailee: I haven’t! This was a totally new experience for me. And the entire experience was so empowering! Being around the other women who were modelling and seeing their confidence, and showing up in my own skin, was just so incredible. It took me a few minutes to be comfortable in the lingerie, but once I let those fears go, it was so fun!

MM: I have to ask, what was it like to see your pictures on social media and in our emails for the first time?

Bailee: It is an incredible feeling seeing yourself representing a company doing such amazing things! I thought the final images portrayed me as exactly who I wanted to be seen as. Someone comfortable in their own skin, who doesn’t look like a Victoria Secret model, but that is totally okay!! Women deserve to feel confident, comfortable, and sexy in their lingerie and I hope people get that feeling when they see these images.

MM: Girl, yes! Tough question for ya but who are some of the empowering women in your life? And why are they empowering to you?

Bailee: I find this tough to answer! Not because I can’t think of anyone, but because I feel like I have so many incredible women in my life who empower me in different ways. But definitely my mom and my sister. They empower me to be the best woman I could be. They support me in everything I pursue in life and are my biggest cheerleaders!

MM: Okay Bailee, last question… would you do it again?

Bailee: Definitely!! It was such an incredible opportunity and one that would be so fun to be able to do again.

MM: Thanks so much Bailee! We really appreciate your time, take care and continue being an amazing ray of sunshine everywhere you go!

How would you define empowerment? Tell us below!

Modern Match Lingerie is an online lingerie brand created by Shauna Allan, a woman on a mission to empower and educate women around the world. Modern Match Lingerie designs comfortable bras and panties made to be worn all day by the modern-day woman.

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