I choose
Have you ever wondered, what it would be like to know without a shadow of a doubt that you were living your life’s purpose?
Sounds kind of cliché but I literally have spent the last 5 years or more on this quest.
I became a nurse back in 2009 and honestly, I was so disconnected from my body, my higher self, and what a life purpose even was that I was willing to be “just a nurse” for the rest of my life.
I started seeing things I could not explain. Feeling sensations and things I could not explain. I knew down to the minute someone was going to pass away. I could see them, feel them as they transitioned. Other people witnessed my gifts; but I still thought that I was going crazy.
Until I met my mentor in 2013, I hid.
I hid even years later behind Reiki Master's degrees, massage therapy certification, and many chaotic attempts to start my own business.
I remember when I went back to nursing in 2015 coming home crying so many times feeling like I was wasting away at a desk, behind the wheel. I had made it a 6-figure supervisor career, money was plentiful, and I felt as if my soul was weeping.
I remember writing coaching program ideas on post-its. Listening to every entrepreneur podcast I could find, writing all the tips and tricks on post-its. At one point I kept a separate book under my computer desk of all the entrepreneur ideas I could think of.
I started dating Shawn in June of 2019. I watched him have all this time freedom and financial success. I craved that lifestyle. In nursing, even outpatient jobs gone were the days of 8-5. It was more like 7:30a-6:30p every day and still work to be done by the time I got home… PLUS admin on-call time. PLUS, all the patient’s lives and my nurses who were so overworked I watched them gain weight and cry all the time. My nervous system was wrecked. No amount of energy work, massages, meditation, and healthy eating would dig me out of this. I was stuck.
Or so I thought. The calling in my head was so loud that I could not stop thinking about it. I started an energy work/life coaching practice in my spare time. I started coaching my nurses. Yes, my nurses started paying me to listen to them, help them break through their emotional stress.
Shortly after, I knew I could not keep up the duality.
At this point in my life after undergoing a massive transformation post alcoholic mother and sexually + physically abusive ex-stepfather I am so in tune and connected to my body that sometimes it feels like I’m on a hamster wheel. I get so far down one path… and then another aligns even deeper.
Shawn and I started a fitness/meditation + wellness program and I thought that would be my vehicle. No matter how hard I tried, I could not make sense of enrolling someone in a weight loss program. The coaching was… people receive spiritual and emotional coaching to lose weight, hang in there and make both work. I could not fight the strong urge and LOOOOOUUUDDD voice in my head that told me THIS IS NOT RIGHT. YOU ARE NOT HERE TO SELL WEIGHTLOSS.
Last few months I have searched and searched to understand why I feel disconnected from my business with my boyfriend. We fought constantly over our ideal client, what the programs look like, and I’ve had this knowing all along that I was meant for more than a fitness/wellness program.
I have a difficult time explaining it so I’ll try. It is this word… FREQUENCY. The word frequency goes beyond this notion of manifestation, the law of attraction, sourcing.
Every atom in my body, in your body, the physical makeup of everything in this universe vibrates and therefore has a frequency. It is a scientific fact that what vibrates is measured by frequency and makes a sound.
From that respect… how can I on a cellular level on a frequency level, create a new reality for myself.
And from there, if every thought and every memory that I have had held a frequency and matter cannot be created or destroyed… then I can go back in time and recode my reality. I can go forward in time and recode my reality.
In the spiritual work that I do, I used to hide it. Glaze over the gifts to keep from feeling the fear of using them or coming to terms with how in my Catholic religion… I was blasphemous.
I can see your memories. Past, present, and future. I can see your ancestral lineage in the form of memories that play in my head from hundreds, even thousands of years ago. I know when people will pass away. I can communicate with people that have passed away. I can recode DNA and memories and habits.
And while all that is great… and I know that I came to this earth for a BIG purpose… what is that purpose?
As I write this, I think of how to package all of this. How will I market this to anyone? What would that look like?
I currently live in a business world of book writing, summit + product launches, group coaching programs, webinars, all the things. I cannot help but think…
What if all the answers are right here at my fingertips.
Because well… aren’t they?
So, I live in the responsibility that I CHOOSE my emotions. I have every responsibility and skill to choose my emotions (love, joy, overwhelm, stress, happiness, joy, horny). It is in my old habits and patterns that I would choose emotions that would lower my frequency and vibration. In a world where it is SO incredibly easy to chose confusion, lack of clarity, worry and fear… I stand strong. I stand strong in my commitment to you, to anyone I am supposed to serve that I will never stop up leveling my physical body, my frequencies, my thoughts, my light language. I am hungry for it. I am so hungry for that purpose that it feels like I have been a desert for years with a sip of water a day.
And so, I stop and think again… what would the world look like if everyone thought this way? Had the hunger as I do? What if every human being on the planet sees the value of stepping into their life purpose and BEing so committed that they will do anything to see it through.
I am as hungry for that as I am to see it in myself.
Which reminds me… I created this reality, right? I created my experience of you, of life, of reality. All I have to do is remind myself that I am the source of this all.
If I am the source of this all… I would never in a million years chose confusion.
I would choose me. I would choose you. I would choose the transformation of humanity.
Candice Johnson is a soul channel + transitioner. Over the past 6 years she has helped high level corporate and entrepreneur healers connect with their life purpose by eliminating emotional + spiritual blocks to embody the frequency of their soul purpose. She uses her gifts of memory recall, DNA and frequency recoding, mediumship, and channeling to bring you to your wealth, love, and vital life frequency in order to bring more connection, intimacy, and happiness to the world.
She has also held a BSN/RN for over 11yrs and retired her nursing career in March of 2020.
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